Saturday, June 27, 2009

the King of Poop the 24 hour a day news coverage of Micheal Jackson's continued death I start wondering: just what is it we are so upset about?

I see all these crowds of adults bawling over his passing... and flashbacks to said adults in orgasmic ecstasy just seeing this guy walk down the street under his eunuch's umbrella... or dancing on a car roof. Now, my musical tastes are so cemented in the '70s that I just never connected to this guy musically. Sorry. It just doesn't do anything for me. Outside his top 40 bubblegum pop, he was an (alleged) drug addict and (alleged) child molester. Financially he is someone that made $20 million annually and managed to still be continually broke and bankrupt. I'm no psychologist, but I think it's pretty easy to say from a distance that he had some serious problems that led to (minimally) anorexia, body dysmorphic disorder and the previously mentioned (alleged) substance abuse. He was beloved by the black community... yet continually seemed to show his hatred of his own race by trying to become white.

Now, I didn't necessarily want to see ill come to him, but still... remind me: why are we so upset?


bigjohn756 said...

Did you notice that in the morning all the news was about Farrah and then her light went out like a candle in a hurricane when Micheal died?
He was a phenomenon. Good or bad, everyone seemed fascinated by him from beginning to end. Why? I have no idea. I thought that he was fairly talented and inventive, but, I never quite got it. Amazingly enough, I don't even have any of his records.
I'll miss him about as much as I'll miss Farrah.

Spork In the Eye said...

I didn't think much of Farrah either... though I think there may have been more to her than meets the eye. I just read that she was actually a personal friend of Ayn Rand... and had been petitioning for years to play Dagny in an Atlas movie.

Og Make Blog said...

Could the Farrah exception be related in any way to the resemblance of a certain 'Suzy?' If only one's fear of rats had be overcome ...

Kari said...

I don't really understand why any adult gets in a tizzy when a celebrity dies. Yes, it's sad, but how does it really affect your day to day life?

P.S. Og, I had to get Spork to 'splain your comment. He blushed.

Unknown said...

exactly... It's not like it's Neil Peart or anything.

Chris said...

Say what you will about Michael, he was a brilliant musician, a veritable one man band, a very talented performer and a perfectionist towards his work.

This is not to say he didn't have problems, he certainly did... I believe that most people who are so talented in one area are usually unbalanced and have issues dealing with other aspects of their life.

While you won't see me crying or getting in a tizzy about his death, it is sad that he died so young.

Many people need to have heroes and idols to worship and are devastated when they loose them...

Og Make Blog said...

Well, Kari, Spork does seem to have a weakness for blondes..... but I guess you already knew that.