Saturday, May 17, 2008

Makin Bacon

See how the package says "Sugar cured smoked bacon"? It isnt. It isnt any of those things. It isnt cured and it isnt bacon... yet.

The butcher looked at me like I was insane when I asked him for a raw pork belly. And when he asked what I was going to do with it and I told him I was going to make bacon, he looked at me like I was doubly insane and was going to kill myself trying. Oh come on. Its not like that's rocket science.

I got a book on curing on my last birthday... and the recipe is actually pretty simple.... and I've tasted this guy's sausage. It's not like he has that much to brag about. I'll keep you posted.


Kari said...

Hmmm, seems like you might get some interesting comments on "I've tasted that guy's sausage"...

Spork In the Eye said...

Leave it to you to make the art of sausagery sound dirty.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh, yep.... Kari beat me to it. Poor, very poor, word choice.

Spork In the Eye said...

You just are not into sausagification. Commie.