So here's the poop: I found this little pile right outside my back door.
Some creature has crept in and crapped. It stole in and stool. Now, galdungit, I would expect this a little ways off, but this was inside the little dog yard -- right next to our garden. I think I can eliminate the dogs here. This defecatious roll is a wild critter. I am suspecting opossum, but not entirely sure. Other likely suspects are armadillo or raccoon... though it doesnt really look like coon poo.
Whatever little creature did it, it climbed a 4foot chain link fence to do so. (Not that I am not appreciative of the gift!). The garden is currently about 75% wrapped in electric fencing to keep the little bastards out, but this leads me to believe I need to go the full monty. (I avoided the gates just to not have the hassle of the electric fence disconnects... but I am now reconsidering this.)
On other news, the splits are all done. I am not entirely sure how folks get away with charging $120-$150 a cord for wood. If I compute it correctly, that comes out to about $5/hour for the labor, plus the 100 years it takes to grow the tree.
Big pile:
... except its hard to see the even bigger pile behind it due to the shading:
Looks like waschbaer poo. You should taste it to find out.
please tell me you do not know what waschbaer poo tastes like.
Well, I was hoping YOU would be able to tell ME.
Au contraire. Please remember that YOU, not I, posted the original content.
So what does it taste like?
Reminds me of Cheech and Chong growing up.....
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